We wish you a safe and happy holiday weekend with family and friends. As a reminder, our office will be closed with the markets on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18th. Our thoughts are with those impacted by the fires in LA county, and our gratitude extends to all the involved first responders. For information on how you can show your support please visit Fidelity Charitable’s CA Fire Disaster Relief page.

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About Us

Culture & Community

Weatherly’s culture is built upon a foundation of cooperation, unique dedication, and innovative thinking. Deeply rooted in our founder, our team, and our services, these qualities create the high-touch partnership we hold with each and every one of our clients.

We approach each financial situation and client relationship with a teamlike, multi-involvement style that allows us to deliver high quality and versatile services, tapping into our team’s strengths to ensure our clients receive the best thorough analysis, explanation, and most importantly, personalized experience.

At Weatherly, we validate and appreciate the worth of both professional and personal hard work. We take the time to understand the journey each of our clients have experienced to better understand how we can help sustain and grow their wealth. We seek ways in which we can organize, nurture, and grow our clients’ financial and personal lives, thus allowing them more time to be productive in the areas of their business, family, and the community. Our team values having the ability to take the weight of financial planning off, allowing more freedom for our clients to create, contribute, and innovate.

Community Involvement

Our team highly values community involvement and volunteer engagement as it speaks to our core values. Combining a mix of philanthropic events and regular donations, our team enjoys getting involved in a variety of ways.

Charitable Giving and Philanthropy are core values at Weatherly both in the advice we give to clients as well as the Ripple Effect we strive to create in our firm culture.

Over the years, Weatherly has volunteered at various San Diego charitable organizations and supported local and national nonprofits via our WAM Fidelity Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Since the inception of our DAF in 2014, the firm has made an annual commitment to contribute approximately 1% of net income to charities that our clients and team are passionate about. Some of the organizations we have donated to on a consistent basis include:

  • American National Red Cross
  • Feeding America San Diego
  • Meals on Wheels Greater San Diego
  • Rady’s Children’s Hospital Foundation
  • San Diego Rescue Mission
  • Susan G Komen Foundation

The firm’s and our clients’ philanthropic impact can be seen in the Fidelity Charitable Donor Advised Fund (DAF) numbers. With data as of 2022, Weatherly ranks 6th in Number of Accounts referred and 12th in Contribution Dollars in the Southwest US (Southern CA, AZ, and NV).

San Diego Humane Society – Blanket Making 2024

December 2024

  • Aubrey and Michael posing with dog blankets

As temperatures drop in Southern California, the Weatherly crew spent some time making blankets for our furry friends down at the San Diego Humane Society! SDHS is always accepting donations of new or gently used blankets, pillow cases, flat sheets and towels to help make the shelter cozy as pets await their forever families! For a full list of donatable items, or to learn about other ways to give to the humane society, please visit https://www.sdhumane.org/support-us/ways-to-give/wish-list.html

Crisis House “Adopt a Family” 2024

December 2024

  • crisis house logo

This holiday season, Weatherly partnered with Crisis House to sponsor a family in need’s Christmas celebration as part of their “Gifts of Gold – Hope for the Holidays” program. Crisis House is local organization that works to stop the cycle of domestic violence and homelessness and connect individuals and families to critical resources and programs. Learn more about Crisis House here: https://crisishouse.org/ 

Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk 2024

November 2024

  • WAM team posing for a selfie while cheering on the Susan G. Komen Walk

The WAM crew offered well wishes, water, and red vines as Susan G. Komen walkers began their annual journey in Del Mar. This 3-day long fundraiser walk benefits Susan G. Komen, an organization which is on a mission to end breast cancer. The money raised by the Komen 3-Day has been used to save lives and make huge strides in breast cancer research. Throughout the year, the Weatherly team supports and empathizes with our nearby and extended communities impacted by breast cancer. Read more about the walk and how you can get involved here: https://www.the3day.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=about25

Father Joe’s Villages 2024

November 2024

  • Sophia, Kelli and Yoshi at Father Joe's Village

The Weatherly Crew had the privilege of volunteering with Father Joe’s Villages, in two different capacities this year! As part of Father Joe’s wider mission to serve San Diegans experiencing homelessness and poverty, Weatherly team members first volunteered with the Franklin Antonio Public Lunch Program serving free warm, nutritious meals to the public, and then again with the Father Joe’s “Super Pantry” – a food distribution hub where individuals and families can receive emergency groceries and resources. Learn more about ways to get involved with Father Joe’s Villages here: https://my.neighbor.org/

Helen Woodward Animal Center

November 2024

  • Marty, Chase, Aubrey and Kelli at Helen Woodward Animal Center

A few members of the Weatherly crew had the opportunity to tour Helen Woodward Animal Center and spend the afternoon volunteering in their resale store. Helen Woodward was founded in 1972 with the aim of providing educational and therapeutic programs for people, as well as humane care and adoption for homeless animals. You can learn more about the center at https://animalcenter.org/ 

Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Cleanup & Fundraiser

October 2024

  • Group photo in front of the lagoon

A few members of the Weatherly Crew got the opportunity to kayak Batiquitos Lagoon in Encinitas as part of their annual lagoon cleanup & fundraiser. The waters of Batiquitos Lagoon are typically closed to boating, so it was such a privilege to explore the area via kayak, while gathering trash harmful to its delicate ecosystem. A big thank you to the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation for putting on such a great event, and for your continued dedication to the stewardship of the lagoon. You can learn more about the foundation and their ongoing work at their website: https://batiquitos-lagoon-foundation-142729.multiscreensite.com/

Just In Time: Pathways to Financial Power Event

September 2024

  • Lindsey, Andrea and Yoshi attend the Pathways to Financial Power Event

Weatherly was proud to help sponsor Just in Time’s annual “Pathways to Financial Power” conference. This event aims to help transition age foster youth achieve financial stability through networking, career exploration and resources as well as a “Shark Tank” inspired competition where program participants can secure funding by pitching their business ideas to a panel of judges. In addition to our sponsorship, Andrea Taylor is volunteering as a 1-on-1 coach for JIT’s Financial Fitness 102 program this fall. The eight-week program helps participants build personal finance skills in budgeting, saving, investing, credit, loans, and cybersecurity, while working towards establishing an emergency fund for long-term financial stability. Learn more about Just in Time for Foster Youth at: https://jitfosteryouth.org/

Feeding San Diego 2024

July 2024

  • Group Photo at Feeding San Diego

Avocados for the win! Weatherly continues to celebrate our 30th Anniversary by partaking in 30 charitable events this year. It was truly inspiring to be part of Feeding San Diego’s mission to end hunger. The charity’s mission involves food rescue initiatives to support various programs like the School Pantry Program to serve local San Diegans experiencing hunger. The WAM team were fortunate to be a part of this mission by helping rescue and pack 1400 pounds of avocados at a volunteer event yesterday afternoon. We believe community efforts as such go a long way as Feeding San Diego serves millions of meals each year. Learn more about Feeding San Diego here: https://feedingsandiego.org/.

Del Mar Summer Solstice 2024

June 2024

As we celebrate our 30th anniversary this year, Weatherly is committed to supporting 30 events, with the Del Mar Village Association’s Summer Solstice being a highlight! Our crew volunteered to help usher patrons into the event and guide them to the various local vendors in attendance. We had a wonderful time connecting with many people, enjoying the festivities, and engaging with our vibrant community.

Keep Del Mar Green Community Cleanup with the Del Mar Village Association

March 2024

On a lovely March Day, the Weatherly Crew decided to make the most of the San Diego weather and once again teamed up with the Del Mar Village Association and participated in the Keep Del Mar Green Community Cleanup. In an effort to prevent the contamination of our precious waterways, we spread out across the downtown and beach regions to collect trash while also strengthening our team bond. If you want to know more about upcoming cleanups, visit the DMVA website.

Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk

November 2023

Team Weatherly is deeply committed to showing its support for the breast cancer community. Each November we feel incredibly honored to have the opportunity to encourage and support the numerous walkers who participate in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk, as they pass by our Del Mar office. To learn more about the Susan G. Komen organization, and it’s San Diego affiliate, Komen San Diego, please visit the Susan G. Komen website.

Feeding San Diego 2023

October 2023

It was truly rewarding to see the impact we made on the lives of so many families. The WAM team spent an afternoon volunteering with Feeding San Diego, and we are happy to share that we rescued 2,397 pounds of apples that will help provide 1,409 families with food. Feeding San Diego has an impressive mission to serve millions of meals each year, and we’re glad to have been a part of their mission. Learn more about Feeding San Diego here: https://feedingsandiego.org/

Keep Del Mar Green Community Cleanup with the Del Mar Village Association

September 2023

On a beautiful day in September, the Weatherly Crew seized the opportunity to revel in the outdoors. Our mission? Joining forces with the Del Mar Village Association to partake in the Keep Del Mar Green Community Cleanup! Before setting out on our quest to enhance our beloved city, our team took a quick snapshot to commemorate the moment. Who could have guessed that cleaning up our streets could bring such enjoyment? Check out the DMVA website to learn more about the next clean up!


“Adopt A Family” with Crisis House

December 2021

While the holiday season is commonly referred to as the most wonderful time of the year, for families in need it can often be the most stressful. This holiday season, Weatherly partnered with Crisis House to provide gift cards to make the holidays special for several local families. Crisis House works in our communities to stop the cycle of domestic violence and homelessness and connect individuals and families to critical resources and programs. Learn more about Crisis House here: https://www.crisishouse.org/

Blanket Making for San Diego Humane Society

October 2021

As the months turned colder, the Weatherly crew’s minds turned to our furry friends at the San Diego Humane Society. For our fall team building activity, we held a fleece blanket making activity and blanket drive amongst our team to donate to animals in need this fall and winter. Learn more about the San Diego Humane Society and the work they do for animals here: https://www.sdhumane.org/

Ocean Conservancy Beach Clean Up

June 2021

  • Group of people on the beach

In June of 2021, our team took advantage of a cooler San Diego afternoon to spend some time cleaning up our shoreline. As a team of avid beach-goers, the health of our oceans and waterways is a cause close to our hearts. The Ocean Conservancy’s “Clean Swell” app makes it easy for you to host your own beach clean up and provide data to their global ocean trash database that is utilized by researchers and policymakers working for cleaner oceans. Read more about Ocean Conservancy here: https://oceanconservancy.org

International Women’s Day 2021

March 2021

  • Photo of Carolyn Taylor and Brooke Boone Kelly

Happy International Women’s Day from Weatherly! As a wealth management firm majority-owned by women, we witness the ripple effect of influential advances by women across the globe every day. We have the pleasure of working with women across all backgrounds, both as clients and as industry peers, and we continually see the positive change that women create when working together to uplift and support the community. In honor of the 2021 International Women’s Day we will be making donations to The San Diego Women’s Foundation and Catalyst Inc. To learn more about these incredible organizations and the work they do for women, please click on their linked names above!


Spring 2020

Over the course of the stay-at-home order, the Weatherly team has found a few creative ways to stay connected to each other during this unprecedented time. In addition to daily team video calls, the crew has been curating a playlist of songs we are listening to, as well as a WAM cookbook of recipes tried and deemed true during the quarantine. Some old, & some new, we hope this brings a bit of light to your time at home!

Download our cookbook

Listen to our playlist 

Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank: Holiday Food Drive

December 2019

To close out 2019, Weatherly hosted it’s 2nd annual holiday food drive in partnership with the Jacobs Cushman San Diego Food Bank. This year, Weatherly collected 200 pounds of food which delivered 167 meals to local families in need this holiday season. In its efforts to combat food insecurity, the Jacobs Cushman San Diego Food Bank provides emergency food to 350,000 children and families, active duty military, and fixed income seniors living in poverty each month. Thank you to all our clients that helped make our food drive a success!

Susan G. Komen 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk

November 2019

In November of 2019, Weatherly continued our annual tradition of setting up a cheering station for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walkers! The team dusted off our hot pink gear and handed out licorice treats and water to the walkers as they passed our office. Each year, we look forward to seeing our town turn pink in honor of raising money and awareness for breast cancer research. Since 2003, the Susan G. Komen walk has raised more than $848 million dollars for the cause. With every step, we get closer to the cure and we are proud to show our support for those who take on the challenge! Check out http://the3day.org/ to learn more about the walk!

Want to get involved?

Reach out to our team! Weatherly is able to facilitate connections and provide recommendations on volunteering events, charitable organizations, and charitable giving. Ask any of our advisors how you can get started, and connect with us on social media to see what we’re up to.

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